Sunday, March 13, 2011

Memories; Part 3

So this perve dropped us off at a truck stop in the middle of nowheresville Nevada. There was a gas station (with showers), a souvineer shop, and a diner. Being that we had the twenty bucks from the very nice lady a Dennys, I decided to buy some Dexatrim cuz I heard it made you get wired. I took the Dexi and we sat in the diner drinking coffee in between hitching for a ride out of this hel-lwhole. We got harrassed by one officer and I told him that I was eighteen. He asked for my I.D. and I said that I had never learned to drive, so I did not bother to get an I.D. (or driver's license). Then I got sick, sick, sick! I could not stop throwing up (think it was the Dexatrim). So that kinda screwed up us hitching a ride on the interstate (80). Rather, we went underneath an overpass, to the top where there is a little pocket that keeps out the wind and some of the noise, so I could try and sleep it off. However, I was sooooo wired out of my mind (and still sicky) I could not sleep. I think that we were stuck there for like 16 hours before we finally got a lift. And lift is putting it lightly! The truck driver totally lo0ked like Klinger, except he wasn't cross-dressing. Anyways, things went pretty smooth until we got to Donner's Pass. On the downgrade he starts getting really crazy while insanely speeding and kept saying " betcha think I'm going too fast huh, well I'm not....but maybe I am......or maybe I'm not" and "look how I'm taking these corners, are you scared yet? Do you want me to pull over (HARDY SCARY LAUGH)" and "Do you think we'll make this corner? " He even said he felt crazy when he drove through the Sierras and wondered which turn would be his demise. Well, we made it to Sacramento and he dropped us off right at Madison and I-80......PERFECT!! We never felt so gratefull to be on solid ground (and it was raining). Honestly, I do not remember everywhere we stayed (ummmmm......couches we crashed on). I do remember having an emotional breakdown and did not understand it at the time. All I knew was that I could not stop crying (more like sobbing) for like 6 or 7 hours and my friends mom and older sister were totally freaking out cuz I couldn't stop sobbing enough to try to explain. And looking back, I don't think I would have been able to explain it. I did not understand crying and emotions; I was tough. I took care of everyone and everythig all of the time! I attributed this breakdown to taking the Dexetrim and nothing else. We were asked to leave (of course) and found some refuge with my long time friend Suzi. It was there that we had discovered that there was an All Points Bulletin out on us in Utah because the girl that was in the room (the county detention place) with us when we were planning our escape told the authorities that we were going to shoot every police officer we saw; and that she heard every word of it! Oh yeah, we were armed and dangerous too (she knew we had a gun and totally embellished our plan.........Biiaatch). We realized we were desperately stuck and had limited places to go for shelter.

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