Friday, March 11, 2011


Yeah, so no weird dreams lately; but I've found myself thinking a lot about my childhood during this void of weirdness while R.E.M. ing (or reming). One such crazy memory is when my sister and I were caught as runaways across state lines and were shipped back to the state of Utah because that is where our parents lived. However, instead of returning home, we were admitted into a youth holding facility. Anyways, after a few days being locked up in there, I came up with a plan to escape (with all of our personal belongings). I discussed my plan with my sister in our bedroom which was shared with a few other girls; one of them was there while we talked about our escape plan. And this is really where the trouble began. Somehow, the facility had never discovered the .22 caliber gun in my purse (don't have any idea as to why), and kept this purse as well as all of our other belongings in a lockup room. I had made up my mind that if we (my sister and I) made an excuse to get to our belongings that we would grab our stuff and run like hell out the front door. However, unfortunately, I made a comment that I should hold the staff at gunpoint and release everyone in this facility. Keeping that statement in mind, we actually did proceed to follow through with our escape plan. We (I) asked the staff if I could have access to my belongings so that I may retrieve some change from my purse so that I may but a soda out of the machine. And yes, I was allowed to do so and hence our escape with all of our belongings. Within minutes there were police everywhere, and we had to decide whether to walk the overpass or bypass it and cross the railroad tracks below. We chose the latter. So while we were walking through all of the overgrowth and crossing the tracks, we encountered a couple (two) of vagrants. Of course I pulled out my little .22 Rugger just to be sure; but they proved to be safe and uninterested in us. Once we crossed the tracks, we came upon a mini mall and a squad car with its search lights on supposedly looking for us. I told my sister to just act normal and walk like we are simply taking a stroll (they (the po-po) were seriously like twenty feet from us). And holy shit if it didn't work!? They were so focused on the grassy areas under the bridge that they did not even think about watching the business complex. After we escaped this, we waked to the nearest neighborhood and approached a house to use their phone (to call our friend to come pick us up). The first house we encountered, I kid you not, did not speak English (my guess is Japanese) and unplugged their phone and set it on the porch, as if it were a gift. So we knocked on another door, and thankfully they were English speaking! I gave them a story that we were on our way home and saw a car with two men in it that kept following us; I was scared and wanted to call my parents. They let me use their phone, and I did not call my parents but called my best friend who could give us not only the update of our escape, but come rescue us and give us a haven for the night. We did indeed get to sleep in a safe place that night; however, we were back on the streets the next day. (this story is to be continued in my next blog. It entails too many details and I am feeling overwhelmed with emotions).

1 comment:

  1. You haven't even gotten to the scariest part yet. And by the way, I'm not the sister she is referring to. It's the other one...
